Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Buffalo Small Biz Blog: Two Guys, Some Grease and 30 Years Strong

When two people's names are up on a business marquee, I'm always interested in their story. Especially if they can fix a flat, a carburetor, headlight, and much more with their hands tied behind their backs.

Today, while driving down Kensington Avenue in Snyder, I spotted such a sign, and also two distinguished gentlemen relaxing at a picnic table directly underneath it. One was reading the paper, half-blinded by the sun, and one was finishing a sandwich.

They sat in a comfortable silence most friends rarely achieve, let alone business partners, as if they had zero worries in the world, and had sat that way countless times before.

Their tan mechanic uniform shirts were crisp and ironed—with their names embroidered on the pockets. I couldn't make out the names from my car, but I already could guess who they were. (They were, after all, sitting under a sign that said "Bob and Don's Auto Care.")

So I stopped to say hi.

Turns out Bob and Don have had their auto shop at that corner (2229 Kensington Ave.) for over 30 years.  Partners in their business day in and day out fixing probably thousands of vehicles for their neighbors over the years so far, and still counting.

I asked if I could snap a photo, and chatted for a few minutes. They said the neighborhood people are loyal and wonderful customers. Plus they always liked the location, and still do.

Challenges? More and more competition from all kinds of auto shops and national franchises now all around them. But things seem okay and they are continuing to do what they love. I saw on their Facebook page tonight that Don just turned 70 this May. I imagine Bob is about the same.

Thanks, guys, for serving as a great example of turning an idea into a business, doing what you love, doing it well, providing excellent service and weathering the good, bad and in-between on the road to success—now three decades and counting.

(PS... I'll bring in the car soon to fix that light. Glad I met you.)

This blog is neither a paid endorsement nor a paid non-endorsement. Only words and laughter were exchanged during the brief 5 minute conversation with Bob and Don. It is likely the first of occasional other Buffalo Small Biz Profiles when I see or hear an interesting story I think others would enjoy. -JS 

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